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ICDL Syllabus

The ICDL Syllabus is unique, being entirely vendor-independent and regularly updated to reflect recent technological advances. The quality and relevance of the Syllabus documents is guaranteed by the ECDL Foundation development processes and by an outstanding range of expert input from the world’s leading computer societies and Independent subject matter experts.

ICDL is a test of practical skills and competencies and consists of seven separate modules covering computer theory and practice. To achieve an ICDL certification, the Candidate must successfully pass a test in all seven modules. Through this modular structure, the ICDL provides a flexible learning approach.

ICDL Module 1 is a theoretical test of computing knowledge at a general level and modules 2-7 are practical skills tests, as follows:
Module 1 – Concepts of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Module 2 – Using the Computer and Managing Files
Module 3 – Word Processing
Module 4 – Spreadsheets
Module 5 – Using Databases
Module 6 – Presentation
Module 7 – Web Browsing and Communication

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